Learning Reflection

Hello guys, back again on my blog...This time I will share learning reflections about descriptive text. I understand three main aspects in descriptive text.
I. Text Function
Descriptive Text function to explain something. Whether it's people, objects, events or places. Descriptive text provides detailed explanations so that readers understand the object of information they are looking for.

II. Text Structure 
Description text has two structures.
1. Identification (Introduction/classification), is an introduction, in the form of a general description of a topic. (Gambaran umum objek yang akan dideskripsikan)
2. Description (characteristic features), is to contain the special characteristics of the object, place or person being specifically described. (Ciri khusus / khas dari objek yang dibahas) 

III. Language Components
1. Specific participant: it can be something which is not common and usually unique because it is the only one in the world.
2. Adjective: They can be adjectives, adjective phrases, or land adjective clauses.
3. Simple present tense: is used in sentences that express activities or facts that happen in the present. This tense uses only one verb.
4. Action verbs: use verbs that indicate an activity or an activity that can be seen. For example, sleep, walk, sing, dance, etc.
5. Figurative language: usually using a metaphor to provide an illustration to the reader.

there is a general order for adding adjectives, we can call it OSASCOM. 
After knowing OSACOMP, I will give a simple example
•This is a book
This is a nice, small, and old book. It is a square, blue Javanese book. It is a paper writing book.

Sentences in descriptive text also have a structure (Subject + Verb + Object + Adverb). (Struktur atau cara penyusunan suatu kalimat pada teks deskripsi)
• The students read book in the classroom. 

Descriptive text also includes the five senses (Teks deskripsi menggunakan 5 indra yang dapat menguatkan perasaan pembaca)
1. Sight 
2. Smell 
3. Hearing
4. Taste 
5. Touch

• Saran cara mengajar bagi guru adalah sebaiknya guru lebih banyak meyelingi percakapan dengan bahasa Indonesia saat mengajar, sehingga maksud dari penjelasan lebih mudah dipahami oleh siswa-siswi.
That's all the reflection on descriptive text, after this we will move on to the next material, namely argumentative text. Thank you for reading this article. See you again, bye-bye !!!


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