Caelumss News

hello friends!!, back again on my website. This time I will be a reporter, and I will bring news about the election of student council president at my school, SMK N 4 Semarang. Want to know the complete information? come watch my video.

This is a report from my Caelum News in Semarang, Central Java. SMK Negeri 4 Semarang on Thursday 19 October 2023 held an election activity for the OSIS chairman for the 2023/2024 period in the school's main field from 07.30 am to 3 pm. There are 6 students who are candidates for student council president, on Monday 16 October 2023, the candidates also delivered speeches in front of the teacher and student council. The OSIS President Election Process is packaged in the style of the Presidential Election and aims to teach students how to act democratically in the leadership election process.

Thank you for reading my latest article about the news about the election of the OSIS chairman at my school, here is the link to watch the news that I have made click. Please enjoy


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