Sample of Argumentative Text

Hello guys, back again on my blog. In the previous article I wrote about descriptive text, but this time I will share my understanding of argumentative text.
Social Function / Purpose
   The purpose of an argumentative Text is to persuade the reader to support their point of view. In argumentative texts there are Pros and Cons, pros to support an issue while cons to oppose an issue or point We can find examples of argumentative text in newspaper.

Tujuan dari teks argumentatif adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca agar mendukung sudut pandang mereka. Dalam teks argumentatif terdapat Pro dan Kontra, Pro untuk mendukung suatu isu sedangkan Kontra untuk menentang suatu isu atau suatu hal. Contoh teks argumentatif dapat kita temukan di koran.

Text Structure
Thesis, a general statement about the topic to be discussed.
 Arguments, presents the reasons for discussing the topic and uses facts to strengthen the argument
Recommendations, presents suggestions for what readers should and should not do. The author wants to invite readers to think like him.

Language Features and Language Component
1. It contains the author’s thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions.
2. It is accompanied by logical reasons, facts or events that occurred, as well as information from several sources such as data graphics, pictures, and other things that can be accepted by reason.
3. It is presented using analysis and analogy. (menganalisis topik berdasarkan sumber terpercaya)
4. It is usually written as a non-fiction text and ends with a conclusion. (topik nyata dan kesimpulan berdasarkan research serta pertimbangan)
5. Logical connectives, logical connectives are words or symbols which are used
To form a complex sentence from two simple sentences by connecting them. Some
Logical connectives are if, then, unless. (Kata penghubung)
6. Abstract nouns refer to ideas, feelings, emotions states, actions, concepts, experiences, and qualities that we cannot see, taste, touch, smell, or hear. For example: science, chemistry, geography, etc. (Kata benda abstrak)
7. A technical term is a word, phase, or acronym that professionals or experts use in their specific field to help save time when communicating with other knowledgeable professionals. (Kata teknis)

• Contoh teks argumentasi 
                  The influence of the internet

Technology development goes along with the development of the world. Currently the technology is growing very rapidly, especially the development internet. Almost all of areas of the world such as industry, business, education, entertainment, etc. use the Internet as media to help their works. Internet has a variety of functions such as communication functions, data exchange, source of media information and much more. One of the functions which used by internet user the most is internet as source of media information. By using internet, they can get information quickly and easily. Nevertheless, the ease of information that can be obtained from the internet gives a positive and negative impact for users of the Internet itself. Here are the positive and negative impacts posed by the Internet that can be perceived by the consumer.
There are so many positive impacts which can be felt by internet users such as: Internet users can get the information easily and quickly. By simply entering a keyword in the search engines, they will get what they are looking for. Internet users can also view location that wanted to see and very far without going to the location. This function can be obtained by using features such as Google earth.
Moreover, Internet can be used by employers as media promotion. They can introduce their products for free and easily on the internet. Internet users especially students also can get so many references from books and material which is available on internet for free. There are so many sites that provide a wide range of references such as scientific journals, Wikipedia and many more. And the last, internet users can find out about the world and interact with all of the world’s population using social media such as Facebook, twitter and others.
Besides having a positive impact, the Internet also has some negative impact for its users such as: the freedom of information that can be obtained on the internet can be abused by its user. They use internet to open the forbidden sites such as pornography, gambling and others. These sites are accessible to people of all of ages whenever and wherever. Internet also can be used by people who are not responsible for hacking into secret archives in cyberspace. Commonly the perpetrators of these crimes are called hackers. They can even disrupt a country just by using the Internet.
In addition, Internet also can make most of students lazy to think about their task given by teacher because almost all of lessons they can get on the internet. Internet also decreases the role of library in real life. Library which is used as a place to read and find information is no longer used. Today students prefer using internet by accessing online media or references that they can get on the internet.
From the short discussion above, we can conclude that internet has a positive and negative side that could impact its users. Therefore, by seeing the impacts caused by the Internet, users have to be smart in using the Internet. We do not abuse the wealth and freedom of information contained in the internet technology to do something negative.
(sumber : disini)

                Indonesian Education Now
 Education is a form of factor which can reflect how’s the country looks like, Development or developing? Indonesia is the developing country. We are not a poor country like others countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, The education which as the main factor to build the great generation
Education is the strongest way to be survive, as the key to assesses of someone’s successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main instrument in the formation of future generation. The success of a country depends on the quality of Human Resources
 Indonesia, with one of the ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, as like paragraph 4 “the intellectual life of the nation“ as the promise of independence. And the only exeptions to reach that goal is a knowledge.
But in 2010 there are 1.080.000 student quited their study because of the high cost education. There prefer to not study and work to make a money rto survve their life. This is a bad situation if Indonesia wants to be developed country, We must get the better education first.
The Infrastructure being the second problems that Indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by seeing the region in the east of Indonesia that students there cannot go to school comfortably and they get only a broken facility in their school, like roof, floor, and also chair and board the school have.
The third is when looking the uneven distribution education in every region in Indonesia. Not all the city can have the equals education. Means in the small village and compare to big cities is totally different in all the aspect.
So this is the homework of government to solve the problemor case in education sector in purpose to get better place in Indonesia especially Education.
(Sumber: Klik)
OK guys, that was a material about argumentative text. Hopefully this article can help you to learn about argumentative text and i wish it will be useful. Thank you friends for your attention, see you again in this blog. Bye-bye.


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