Podcast With Graphic Designers

Hello, Guys! Welcome once more to my website. I would like to present you with a podcast with two expert graphic designers this time around.
In this content, I'll be the host and you'll hear from experts about the thrill of being a graphic designer as well as their inspirations and motivators.
So it is suggested that you view this video if you're interested in becoming a graphic designer.

Ikhsan : Hello guys, in this time we have two artist. I call them that because they are famous graphic designers. without waiting a long time, we call Pasha and Joshua
Joshua : Yo... how do you do
Ikhsan : How do you too, alright before we start podcast today's can you introduced yourself?
Joshua : my name is Joshua Febriyantoro, I’am a Graphic designer. My hobbies is arrange Music
Ikhsan : Is awesome. Ok and you?
Pasya : my name is Pasya Cahaya, I’am a Graphic designer and Professional Videographer.
Ikhsan : okay good. Pasya, why does you like photography and videography?
PAsya : because that way I can capture precious moments
Ikhsan : so your skill better than Joshua?
Pasya : oh no oh no, our skills are the same, I still need to learn a lot more, we are still learning the same
Joshua : maybe the rest of the answers are like Pasya, but my skills are not yet like Pasya.
Ikhsan : Wow, these two elders are humble.
Pasya : oh no, we are not old, there are still people older than us
Ikhsan : ok ok, How did you become what you are now?
Pasya : Joshua and I are old friends, we have been friends since high school. We are friends who happen to have the same hobby
Ikhsan : oo, h, it turns out you two have been friends since school, so you should be very close
Ikhsan : What do you need to learn about photography?
Pasya : you need to learn about image composition, light, and several photography techniques
Ikhsan :ohh damn it, all looks difficult to me. How long will it take you to learning it all?
Pasya : I started to like taking photos when I was 11 years old. and over time it turned into my hobby. I learned it all slowly, not instant.
Ikhsan : What made you like and be interested in Photography?
Pasya : I'm interested because I can immortalize my memories and stories through it. Of course I can capture beautiful things too
Ikhsan : What made you like and be interested in audio?
Joshua : Initially, my older cousin welcomed me to his church to join the music ministry as a keyboardist, but as the Covid-19 pandemic spread, I was also invited to serve in the multimedia sector. Because my older cousin was a soundman, I was invited to join him. I was taught in phases, beginning with changing the audio levels so that everything sounded right, then moving on to setting the Gain, EQ, and Compressor, as well as how to properly route sound to speakers or live streaming. I was invited to join in the music creation process at the church's birthday, and from there I began to study about DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). From there, I became interested in learning more about music and audio production.
Ikhsan : What is needed during the audio production process?
Joshua : actually there are many, but the important thing is a PC, Mic, sound card, and Headset or speakers
Ikhsan : If I may know, what are the job opportunities in the audio field and is this job difficult?
JoshuA : Actually, there are many job opportunities in this field, such as being a music arranger or music composer, sound engineer, music producer, and many more. But actually it's not difficult if you like it. So don't be afraid to start.
Ikhsan : OKEE, thank you for sharing your experiences and stories this time. See you next time

I finally feel like I learned a lot from this Podcast . I got experience communicating about important topics in an informal environment. To me, this is very impressive.


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